Why Transform?
Evolve Transform is an innovative procedure that builds and strengthens muscles while enhancing the appearance of your skin and treating fat without needles or surgery. The combination of technologies delivers a no downtime alternative for sculpting your body.
Evolve Transform provides two procedures in one visit. Radiofrequency energy (RF) for deep heating of tissue and fat, and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to induce forced muscle contractions that are not achievable during workouts. The combination allows you to improve your tone and shape quickly and painlessly.
Does Evolve Transform work?
What can I expect during this treatment?
During your procedure you can expect a warming of your skin and the contraction of the muscles in the specific area being treated.
Meet the EvolveX
EvolveX is a safe and effective treatment that delivers exceptional results. During treatments, the body’s temperature is constantly monitored with real-time updates. The hands-free design and intelligent programmable technology make EvolveX an ideal social distancing device, allowing for a reduction in patient-physician face-to-face contact during procedures. EvolveX is designed with a Patient Call Button so you can easily pause your treatment at any time and have clinic staff make adjustments to ensure your comfort.
6 Treatments per package
1 area - $2,500
2 areas - $3,000
3 areas - $3,800
3 Month Membership - 12 treatments